Health is a lifestyle
What is Yoga?
There are many definitions of Yoga. Philosophically we find many interpretations of old texts and Gurus. Literally the word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root "Yuj" that means "to join" "to unite".
Nevertheless one thing is for sure. To practice Yoga is not just to practice Asanas. Yoga allows us to transcend the physical body in order to understand and learn about our minds, our emotions, values and everything that defines us. Not only at an intrapersonal but also at an interpersonal level.
About the Studio

Be Light is located in the Nikolaistraße, right in the heart of Leipzig.
We are a holistic Yoga studio. That means we not only work around the asana practice from different styles and perspectives (Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, etc.) but also around other aspects of the practice that are also Yoga.
We want to help you understand how the mind works and how you can work with it, together to keep your physical self aligned with your mental self. Mindfulness and Meditation are great tools to help you exactly with that.
Thai Massage is a practice deeply connected to Yoga, where the mat is not only occupied by me and my needs, but also by another human. In this practice we are invited to exercise all values put at service not only as a giver but also as a receiver. We learn directly about compassion, empathy, equanimity and we also learn to let go and allow someone else to bring comfort and relaxation.
A playful practice is a tool of evolution to practice and rehearse different behaviours in society. Animals play, humans play.. at least at the beginning. But at some point we stop, consumed in our daily routines. Acroyoga reminds you of the human quality of play. It's acrobatics observed under the lens of Yoga, which keeps it healthy for the body and rooted for the mind.
About the Studio

"The more you understand, the more you love; the more you love, the more you understand." Thich Nhat Hanh
We are an Argentine biotechnologist and a German psychologist trying to be the change we want to see in the world. An interesting mix of two science-based, open minds.
We met in Göttingen in 2015 when we were working on our PhD´s. Since then we have noticed how much we have in common and how complementary our skills are.
Being in contact with the education and science system we realised how much basic values like compassion and empathy are needed. And once we started looking we couldn't help but noticing that this is actually true for every corner of our society.
In today's hectic world everyone is busy to keep up with their own life. Therefore, our wish is to create a space where you can come, breathe and learn how to be fully present, how to breathe better, move more mindfuly. In other words, how to learn skills that will improve your intra and interpersonal relationships and your life quality in general.